Anti-Violence Bee Monument
November 10, 2022
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by South Wye Police Boxing Academy

The Anti-Violence Bee Monument is symbol of West Mercia Police’s intolerance to all forms of violence.

As part of an ongoing nationwide effort to reduce violence and aggressive behaviour through education and engagement, West Mercia Police hosted the anti-violence bee back in November 2022.

The bee is the first ever monument to be created in the UK from surrendered and recovered firearms. Made from weapons recovered from Manchester city’s streets. The bee is a visual representation of West Mercia’s intolerance to violence, as well as the nation’s intolerance to violence.

The bee was made to sit on the trailer to ensure it’s message can reach as many people and as many places as possible. This was achieved successfully and included the many towns and villages of West Mercia on it’s UK tour. This therefore included visiting our club in Hereford!

Above all, the unrelenting message remains steadfast. The people of West Mercia are completely intolerant to violence and aggression in all its forms. The monument also visualises West Mercia’s relentless determination to reach young people. Reaching them using all available tools and means. The sculpture is 11ft (3.3m) tall. It features knives and guns collected during an arms amnesty.

The Anti-Violence Bee Monument was a great success at South Wye Police Boxing Academy with over 1,000 visitors to our outside training area!

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